Monday, November 29, 2004

Stewing around Stuttgart -- the last 2 days

One thing I’ve noticed about most of my recent posts is that I’ve said every city was ‘awesome’ and ‘so much fun’ and though I’m sure many of you might think I’m in cahoots with different tourist city offices in Europe I haven’t been joking, pretty much every city I’ve been too since the UK has been great and Stuttgart is no exception!
Yesterday I met up with Lynn and we hung out for the whole night which was very fun…we had lots to talk about! There’s a HUGE Christmas marketplace setup near the city square (Schlossplatz) and I spent hours and hours roaming around there. Many of the people had setup booths selling so many cool little things but I didn’t buy much there because most of them were too delicate to take back in my luggage, which is already stuffed to the point of exploding! Actually just as a side note I was jumping on my larger suitcase today to try and squish everything I’ve bought so far into it. Anyways back to Stuttgart, so yeah the marketplace was really cool and Lynn and I roamed around for a while and that was the day. Today I did my usual super-happy-fun sight seeing tour and covered all the main sites. I didn’t get a chance to go to the Mercedes or Porsche museums here which I guess kinda sucked but I’m not losing sleep over it. Anywho so yeah I went to tons of different tourist attractions and again spent lots of time in the markets, looking at things. They had lots of yummy things to eat there hahahaha! I also went on a slight shopping spree and am starting to worry about all the money I’ve spent here….but hey life goes on hehehe! Anyways so yeah that was today and that pretty much covers it. When I got back to the hotel I went to the gym (cause I desperately need to!) and also sat in the sauna for a while which was very relaxing. Tomorrow we head for Frankfurt.

people on the street singing carols already! Posted by Hello

nice little depiction Posted by Hello

funny thingy Posted by Hello

market 2 Posted by Hello

petting zoo! Posted by Hello

i was seriously thinking of jumping onto the train hahah Posted by Hello

choo choo --- another tempting moment Posted by Hello

hmmm i didn't go on the london eye -- should I go on this :) Posted by Hello

christmas marketplace Posted by Hello

this guy must really know how I feel about going back to waterloo! Posted by Hello

Schlossplatz Posted by Hello

old palace Posted by Hello

museum view Posted by Hello

museum view... Posted by Hello

mercedes building Posted by Hello

nice view 1 Posted by Hello

Staatstheater Posted by Hello

Saturday, November 27, 2004

What a view -- Luxembourg!

On our way to Luxembourg today we stopped off at the battlegrounds on Napoleon in Waterloo, Belgium. It was a pretty nice sight. Seeing some of the monuments and the battleground sites. Anyways after that we headed over to Luxembourg and man is it ever nice! The tourism info wasn’t joking when they called this one part of the city “the best view in Europe.” The city center is built up on a high hill and the old city is in the valley – and that makes for some very spectacular views! Anyways I walked around for a long time and the environment here was very similar to Switzerland…really friendly people with a nice small-town feel. I went on quite a few little hiking adventures in some of the parks there (if you wanna call that hiking) and actually got a little scared off a few times since it gets dark here early hahaha…but regardless this city is soooooooooo cool, it’s like one big giant castle! Anyways I had a really nice dinner here and pigged out as though I was still in Brussels on the desserts and yeah that was the day. The actual city isn’t all that big and can easily be covered by foot but you really need to spend time exploring to fully enjoy the nature here. I still can’t get over how nice the views are, but I was always a little tense when looking over the railings on some of the higher hills hahaha. I’m not scared of heights or anything BUT this place is soooooo high up and a lot of the places just have dinky railings. Anyways Luxembourg is a very nice city with AWESOME hilltop views!!!

new bridge (was once the largest arched bridge in the world) Posted by Hello

train station Posted by Hello

another nice building  Posted by Hello

building 1 Posted by Hello

interesting gallery Posted by Hello

nice view up high 2 Posted by Hello

nice view up high Posted by Hello

old bridge view (24 archs) Posted by Hello